Western Balkans and EU - Part 43
[ Western Balkans and EU ]
Arben Hajrullahu, who used to co-post on this blog, has published his first book: Long term peace in the Western Balkans through EU-Integration (in German language) in the Nomos publishing house. The book can already be ordered on Amazon.Drawing on the example of the Kosovo
conflict, Arben Hajrullahu tries to explain
how the EU integration process in the
Western Balkans can lead to a sustainable
“positive peace”. This book for the first
time links a comprehensive political,
historical, and social analysis of the
Serbian-Kosovar conflict to a study of the
EU integration process in the Western
Balkan region. Hajrullahu does not
consider the EU integration process to be
a “recipe for peace” for the Western
Balkans. Only under certain conditions
can the EU integration of Kosovo and
Serbia lead to a sustainable “positive
peace” in the region. This state of peace
will only be achieved if the Western
Balkan countries overcome ethnonationalist
politics, acknowledge each
other as equal partners, enhance their
communication and co-operation, and see
the EU integration and globalization as a
chance for the future. The author further
argues that the EU should revise its
strategy in the Western Balkans and avoid
double standards.
Not only researchers on South Eastern
Europe will find this book helpful: it will
provide anyone interested in history and politics a good overview of the
causes of the Serbian-Kosovar
conflict and of the integration processes in the Western Balkan region.
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