
Liste 7 von 39
Collegium Carolinum,   München

8. Münchner Bohemisten-Treffen

Collegium Carolinum,   München

8. Münchner Bohemisten-Treffen

Collegium Carolinum,   München

9. Münchner Bohemisten-Treffen

Collegium Carolinum,   München

Die wissenschaftliche Selbstbeschreibung der sozialistischen Gesellschaft: Soziologie und Ethnologie/Ethnografie in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa 1945-1989 / Scientific Self-description by socialist Societies: social Science and Ethnology/Ethnography in East Central and Southeast Europe, 1945-1989

Collegium Carolinum,   München

Geschlechterverhältnisse in Ostmitteleuropa nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Soziale Praxis und Konstruktionen von Geschlechterbildern

Collegium Carolinum,   München

Multiples Erinnern - Zwangsmigration als Objekt einer Streitgeschichte im erweiterten Europa

Columbia University,   New York

Imagined Communities, Real Conflicts, and National Identities

Committee on the Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression / International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions,   St. Petersburg

Censorship and Access to Information: History and the Present

Copernicus Vereine,   Berlin, Hamburg, München

Copernicus-Stipendien 2007/2008

CREES,   Toronto

Exploring Ukrainian Identity: Gender, Ethnicity, and Stathood. Graduate Student Symposion

Croatian, Serbian and Slovene Department, Jagiellonian University,   Cracow

International conference: Josip Juraj Strossmayer. Jugoslavism, Ecumenism, Europe

Cultural Transfer,   Wien

Internationaler Workshop: Cultural Transfer in Österreich - Begriff & Positionen

CZES,   Ghent

Cultural Identity in the Balkans: Convergence vs. Divergence

CZES,   Ghent

Developing Cultural Identity in the Balkans: Convergence vs. Divergence

Danish Network on Political Theory,   Aarhus

What's the Culture in Multiculturalism - What's the Difference of Identities? Contesting the Future of Equality, Secularism, and National Solidarity

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