
Liste 5 von 39
CASS,   Toronto

Globalization and Its Impact on International Relations in East and Central Europe

CAS,   Sofia

Roles, Identities And Hybrids. Multiple Institutional Cultures in Southeast Europe within the Context of European Unification. Call for Application

Center for Interdisciplinary Memory Research,   Essen

Collective Violence. Emergence, Experience, Remembrance

Center for Religious Studies and Research,   Vilnius

Religion and Democracy: An Exchange of Experiences Between East and West

Center for Studies of the Culture and History of East European Jews,   Vilnius

Jewish Space in Central and Eastern Europe: Day-to-day History

Center for Studies of the Culture and History of East European Jews,   Vilinius

Jewish Space in Central and Eastern Europe. Day-to-day History

Center for the Study of Democracy,   Cluj-Napoca

The Effects of International Labor Migration on Political Learning

Center for Urban History of East Central Europe,   L'viv

Religion in the Mirror of Law. Research on Early Modern Poland-Lithuania and its Successor States in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries

Central European University,   Budapest

Biography and Identity: Dilemmas and Opportunities. 4th Annual Graduate Conference in European History

Central European University,   Budapest

Schism, Sectarianism and Jewish Denominationalism. Hungarian Jewry in a Comparative Perspective

Central European University,   Budapest

CEU Political Science Journal: Discourse Analysis in the Post-communist Space, Issue 1, Vol. 2 - The Graduate Student Review

Central European Univ.,   Budapest

Central Europe and the Mediterranean

Central European Univ.,   Budapest

Nationalism Studies Program

Centre for the Study of Soviet History,   Tartu

Border Changes in 20th Century Europe

Centre for the Study of Soviet History,   Tartu

Central and Eastern European Media under Dictatorial Rule in the 1940's and 1950's

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