
Liste 35 von 39
University of Bologna,   Bologna

The Transformation of the International System in the 1970s

University of Craiova ,   Craiova

AnthropoEast: The Europeanization of the Balkans – The Balkanization of Europe (Craiova)

University of Göttingen & German Historical Institute,   Göttingen & Washington

History by Generations. Generational Dynamics in Modern History

University of Graz,   Graz

Conference on Applied Interculturality Research (cAIR)

University of Helsinki,   Helsinki

Welfare, Gender and Agency in Russia and Eastern Europe

University of London/University of Oslo,   London/Oslo

Crossing Boundaries. The Making and Circulation of Art and Literature

University of Luxemburg,   Walferdange

The Local and the Global. Practices and Politics of Representing, Narrating and Negotiating the Past

University of Ottawa,   Ottawa

Gender and Modernity in Central Europe. The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and its Legacy

University of Oxford,   Oxford

Jahrhundert(w)ende(n). Enden und Anfänge, ästhetische und epochale Transformationsprozesse und Kontinuitäten in der deutschen Literatur um 1800 und um 1900

University of Padua,   Padua

The revolutions of 1989 and the crisis of 2009

University of Padua,   Padua

The world before and after 1989

University of Prishtina,   Prishtina

International Prishtina Summer University 2007

University of St. Andrews,   St. Andrews

Postcommunist Visual Culture and Cinema. Interdisciplinary Studies, Methodology, Dissemination

University of Texas,   Lubbock

Whatever Happened to Hajnal's Line. 'East-European' Family Patterns, Historical Context and New Developments

University of Washington,   Seattle/WA

Cultures of Performance in Modern Austria. Annual International Symposium of the Modern Austrian Literature and Culture Association

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