
In Hoc Signo [Pro]Vinces. Out-Sourcing the Hearts of Empires, the Case of Chernivtsi (Czernowitz, Cernăuţi)


Martin Hainz,  Wien

Eine Provinz ist das, was ein Imperium als seinen Besitz beansprucht, was freilich für jeden durch eine Macht organisierten Raum gilt, also auch für das Imperium, das somit gänzlich Provinz ist. Zugleich ist dieser Besitz gerade nicht integriert, sondern eben eine Fremde und eine Ressource - allenfalls auf dem Wege, Teil des Imperiums zu werden. In Czernowitz liegt indes ein multipler Provinzialismus vor, eine mehrfache Zuordnung, worin das Provinzielle hin zum Kosmopolitischen transzendiert ist. So bewahrt gerade nur die Provinz das Erbe des Imperiums.

A province is what an empire gains. But any space that is claimed to be a possession and part of a cosmos has its status because of matters of power. The whole empire is therefore a possession and a kind of a province. On the other hand a province is something that has not been integrated - it is not part of the empire claiming to have rights upon that space, it is rather a resource of the empire. Chernivtsi shows that multiplying this provincialism is a state of the transcendence of a province; it is metropolitan. Thus the provinces and colonies are keeping the legacy of empires.

O provincie este ceea ce un imperiu numeşte proprietatea sa, lucru care se aplică bineînţeles în cazul oricărui spaţiu organizat printr-o putere şi deci şi în cazul imperiului, care devine, în acest fel, în totalitatea lui, o provincie. Pe de altă parte, o provincie este un element neintegrat, deci străin, o resursă aflată cel mult pe cale de a deveni o parte a imperiului. Cernauţiul dovedeşte că multiplicarea acestui provincialism este o stare a transcenderii unei provincii către cosmopolitic. Tocmai in acest fel, moştenirea imperiului se menţine intacta numai intr-o provincie.

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